We've all gone crazy lately...lately?

some random ramblings

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Good afternoon. I'm sitting here at work. I'm tired and have a headache. I'm 7 months sober. It's hard to believe. I'm doing alright otherwise. My class starts today. My teacher's name is Osama. He's from Egypt. That's one place I want to visit someday. I doubt it will be anytime soon as things are a bit unstable in the Middle East, especially for Americans. I play World of Warcraft when I get home from work so I will have to discipline myself to get my schoolwork done. I will have to download the software I need for class since it's not on my new computer yet. I got my new computer on the 15th. It is a Dell Dimension E520. It has a Pentium D duo core processor, 2 gigs of RAM, a 160 gig hard drive, a CD/DVD burner and a 19 inch flat panel LCD monitor. It rocks! I also have stuff on the external 100 gig hd. I'm giving my old computer to Sue. She doesn't have one and it will help her to become more comfortable using a computer. She has done a lot for me so it's the least I could do. We've both been moody recently. I had my "friend" last week and Sue got hers. It was dueling PMS. I've been pretty good considering I had my period, my mom was sick and my grandmother gets in wacky moods thanks to her dementia. She needs to be put on meds because her moods have gone helter skelter. Oh well. I better get back to work. TTFN. Peace.


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